Eminent Domain Puzzle Paragraph One
Eminent domain - the power of the government to take private property for public use - is used in order to make our communities better. Its basic function is to take land from one person to make the life of everyone better. One of the best example of eminent domain working occurred in the Freetown neighborhood in Greenville. Once upon a time, the houses were "little more than shacks, [and] cracked sidewalks and worn pavement were the norm" (Porter). However, with eminent domain, the community was able to turn around. Today, a community center is in place instead of "a small U.S. Army barracks" (Porter). This case proved the rhetoric of the U.S. government. Despite this instance, eminent domain isn't a perfect solution from a perfect world with fairies and pink elephants. Many times eminent domain can destroy a community. For instance, Detroit used eminent domain to "[displace] 4,000 people" in order to allow General Motors to build a new factory....