Internalized Racism

In the Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison, the racism shown to blacks by whites is obvious. However, the racism between different classes of blacks is less obvious. This is shown by the attitude of Macon Dead's family toward poorer blacks. For example, when talking about blacks owning property on the lake, Corinthians says "You really think there'll be enough colored people - I mean nice colored people - in this city to live there?" (Morrison 35). This quote shows the racism that was instilled into her by others that not all colored people are nice. Another instance of internalized racism is when Macon Dead talks about his sister. He feels ashamed that his sister is not as rich as he is and that she doesn't fit into societal norms. This leaves him to distance himself from his sister. Macon tries to fit in with white people and feels that colored people who are poor or different are just holding him back. You can also see the internalized racism in the way Guitar and Milkman treat others. When Freddie tells Milkman about how his mom was killed by a ghost, Milkman laughs showing his callousness to other's feelings. When Milkman tells Guitar about his mom being swallowed by tulips, Guitar takes his story seriously. The difference between Milkman's and Guitar's reactions to being told an unbelievable story shows Milkman's condescending attitude and Guitar's compassion. Milkman may have gotten some of his attitude from his father, but some of it was imposed on him by racism which he internalized.
Image result for internalized racism


  1. I like how you analyzed the racism but also the discrimination between each race. The graphic really helps to classify each type of discrimination. Good work Sohil.

  2. I do agree with you that racism can occur within the same race. Like Macon Dead, who is himself a black man discriminating others of his own, due to their financial status. This concept of discrimination also happens today in the basis of social classes.This reflects clearly Macon Dead's undetermined character. Good analysis Sohil.

  3. I agree, I like how you commented on how interalized racism affected Milkman. The graphic really helps explain what exactly internalized racism is and how it can affect everyone in their everyday lives.

  4. I like how you talked about like sub-racism. Racism inside races? It is pretty relatable since I lived in India and there is often discrimination between people of different states. There is so discrimination between between the “typical” brown Indian and more “Asian” Indian from the Northeastern states.


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