Fate vs Free Will

    In Oedipus the King an interesting point is brought up: is it fate that controls our lives or can we choose our own destiny through the decisions we make. In the case of Oedipus the King I thought it was clear that fate had predetermined Oedipus' life and cursed him to his tragic downfall. However, in the debate on Monday, my classmates brought up fair points on why Oedipus was to blame for his undoing. Either way, Oedipus the King is a tragedy that exaggerates life for a play and doesn't show that fate or free necessarily determine one's life in the real world. 

    So does fate or free will determine one's destiny in the real world? Or is it a combination of the two? It is hard to come to a conclusive answer because most decisions in life are not black and white. You might have many options and all of them, in some way or another, will lead back to the same destination, giving the illusion of choice. Or in some situations you might believe that there is only one option when there are many to choose from, each with a different outcome. 

    Personally, I believe that fate and free will intertwine in two distinct ways: karma and opportunity. Karma is the concept that if you do good things, good things will happen to you and if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. In this way, you have the ability to choose your actions. However, your actions have consequences whether they be good or bad. I also believe that fate and free will are connected by the opportunities that you are presented. Fate provides the opportunities; it is up to you to seize them. For example, if you are tall fate has given you the opportunity to go to the NBA. However, you have to practice in order to get there. 

    While we may never know if fate or free will decides our destiny, it is a good topic to think about. I think that it is good to believe that you have the ability to make your own choices in life even if fate plays a part, so you may take control over your future. 


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