Wasting Time

     Is wasting time really bad? The obvious answer would be yes but it depends on how you define "wasting time". Is wasting time doing something that is not productive? Well then how can we define what is productive and what is not productive. Is wasting time doing something you do not enjoy? Many people would not consider studying as wasting time, yet they do not enjoy it. So what really is wasting time? And can it be bad?

    Wasting time seems to be something you want to avoid. After all, in the phrase it literally describes misusing your time, a very precious resource. But what if wasting time is necessary. If you define wasting time as doing something that is not productive, do you expect to work for 24 hours straight? No one can do this. People have to eat, sleep, and, even though many people disagree, relax. If you don't take a break from your work, you lose efficiency. You get mentally burnt out and your not as productive as you were when you started. A break, or "wasting time", acts like a refresh button that helps you work productively throughout the whole day. 

    Even if wasting time didn't make you more productive, wouldn't it still be good to do it? The whole point of working hard is to get rewarded in some way. Whether studying in order to get a good job, exercising in order to be healthier, or working in order to get money. However, I believe that the best motivator is a break in order to waste time. In the pomodoro technique, a popular method to be more productive, there are 5 minute breaks after each 25 minute work period and a 25 minute break after 4 work periods. Even though this may seem like a waste of time, the breaks serve as motivation to get through the work and as a refresh to be productive through the next work period. No matter how you look at "wasting time", it is a necessary, and let's face it enjoyable, part of being productive and making the most of your time. 


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