Reflective Blog

 Online school has had positives and negatives for me. Waking up at 7:45 allows me to feel a lot less tired throughout the day as opposed to waking up at 6:30 when there was school. Furthermore, during each week during last year it felt as though I was just trying to make it to the weekend to get a break, while this year I am able to stay energized through the whole week. However, it has been hard for me to get motivated to stay on top of my homework and pay attention in class. In school, I was engaged in every class and learning every day but online just feels like I barely understand the subject material and have to cram before every test. 

In English class specifically, after a long period of not writing anything, my first essays were not at the level that I wanted them to be at. Through the second quarter, I was able to slightly improve my essays and I hope to continue increasing my scores throughout third and fourth quarter. I also want to work on speaking and contributing more to the Socratic seminars and Harkness circles. 

Overall, next semester, my main goal is that I want to be able to have enough time to do things that I enjoy. This means that I have to be focused in my classes and space out my homework throughout the week instead of procrastinating and doing it the night before it is due. Setting a schedule as to when I do my assignments and when I can do something that I want to will help me stay focused and maintain motivation. Even if I am not able to completely stay on schedule, I will know when I fell behind and where to allocate more and less time to. This increase in organization should also help me in college where the workload increases and budgeting time becomes even more important. Next semester, if I am able to maintain good grades and leave more time for doing the things that I like, I will consider it a success. 


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