Words and Pictures
In Show and Tell by Scott McCloud, words and pictures are shown to have a greater effect than either of them alone. McCloud uses a trip to the grocery store to demonstrate this. When pictures or words are used alone, the audience is only able to get a sense of what's going on. However, when both are used together, the author is able to describe the seen in words and be free in what he or she chooses to draw. This allows the author to place more focus on the scenes that he or she wants the audience to concentrate on. Even though though McCloud says that "words and pictures together" are "at worst a product of crass commercialism", advertisements are a great example of how powerful words and pictures are when used together (McCloud 808). In most cases a picture will draw you in to read the words. Many people are able to recognize a company's logo by seeing a picture of it. If all ads were just words than no one would look at them. If all ads were just pictures then no one would be able to connect them back to the company. By using both, companies are able to draw in new customers in and retain old ones. Advertising is also an example of how words and pictures together are simple. They are not meant to have deep meaning as they are just trying to convince people to buy their product. Even though using words and pictures together works and is normal for children, at some point we are expected to "grow out of it" (McCloud 807).

Wow i saw that picture and the first thing i wanted to do was to eat that billboard. I think I have just become a new customer and also stay as an old customer. I don't even like McDonalds but that picture of the all white meat chicken :hearteyes: i am absolutely ravenous right now
ReplyDeleteI agree with the stance you chose that we can better understand things with a combination of pictures and words. I also liked how you used the advertisement example to show the effect of how words and images should coexist together. I also liked your use of the visual to really hit home your point to the audience.
ReplyDeleteI agree how you said we tend to associate certain pictures with things in our mind. Like when we automatically see the M symbol we think of McDonalds. and when we see different foods we associated with visuals and different places we can have such yummy food.